Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Bucks V Miami

Well, yesterday evening it was time to go back to Saatchi and Saatchi for the BNU V Miami Ad School FACE OFF. The product was Evian water. Difficult enough as trying to advertise water is a bit like trying to advertise Oxegen to people and expect them to pay for it. But anyhow, we gave it a go. When we got to the agency we were all asked to put our work into envelopes and then we had to present whatever was in the envelope and sell it. That was a lesson in itself. I find presenting daunting but when presenting someone elses work it is that bit easier, less nerve racking and I found I could really fight for it. Now I just have to apply that to when I present my own work and not get so nervous! Anyway, after everyone had finished presenting, Rick and Steve who were running the workshop were not impressed at all. Everyone seemed to have missed the mark slightly. Oh dear. Well, I suppose its all a learning curve. Sarah and I won with our campaign, Rehab for Raindrops. It was about the waters dirty past and how the French Alps is like Rehab for the Raindrops and makes it pure again so it can become Evian. So, we were the least shit out of a shit bunch. Woo. So the score BUCKS 2 - 0 Miami.

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